Please contact Katie Cook at or 515.244.7181 with any questions or concerns.
ISAC Meeting Registration Policies:
Thank you for registering for an ISAC meeting or conference. Please read the following registration policies for attendees.
- All pre-registrations must include payment and invoice from on-line registration.
- All pre-registration payments must be received prior to the meeting or conference.
- NO CASH will be handled at the registration desk.
- Please be prepared to write a check for at-the-door registrations.
- Pre-registered and need to cancel. If an attendee pre-registers and wishes to cancel their registration to an ISAC meeting or conference, they are asked to provide written cancellation to the ISAC office. If written cancellation is not received seven business days prior to the meeting or conference, they will be required to pay the entire invoice fee. Phone calls are not accepted for cancellations.
- If you are not a member of ISAC and wish to attend an ISAC meeting or conference, you will be charged three times the at-the-door fee.
- Refunds after the meeting or conference are restricted to those who request them from the ISAC office in writing within seven days of the close of the meeting or conference and are only due to an illness or death. A note of explanation must accompany the written request for a refund.
- A non-refundable $75 administrative fee will be charged for all cancellations for ISAC meetings and conferences.
- ISAC will make reasonable accommodations for the disabled with 24 hours advance notice.
- If you require the assistance of auxiliary aids or services to participate in an ISAC meeting or conference because of a disability, please call us at 515-244-7181.