August 26-28, 2020
Veterans Memorial Community Choice Credit Union Convention Center
Des Moines, Iowa
Click here to become a 2020 ISAC Preferred Vendor! Elite, Platinum and Gold Preferred Vendors receive a free exhibit booth and many other perks.
**Contact jripperger@iowacounties.org if you are a preferred vendor or wish to become one.
ISAC offers companies an opportunity to exhibit their products and services at ISAC’s Annual Conference. The exhibit hall gives conference attendees a chance to meet vendors, see what each company has to offer and make informed business decisions. The exhibit gall will be open Tuesday evening for set-up and all day Wednesday and a half day Thursday.
- Exhibit Hall Layout – Coming soon!
- Power, Internet and AV Order Form
- Shipping and Equipment Form
- Convention Center Exhibitor Guidelines
Booth Fee
*Includes two exhibit booth attendees. Any additional exhibit booth attendees are $75/person.
Exhibit booths are assigned on a first come, first served basis. Booth selection is made at the time of online registration. ISAC cannot reserve a booth for a company prior to registering online.
Exhibitors Schedule
Tuesday, August 25
- 3:00 pm-6:00 pm – Exhibitor Setup
Wednesday, August 26
- 7:00 am-8:00 am – Exhibit Setup
- 8:00 am-9:00 am – Exhibitor Morning Refreshments
- 11:30 am-12:30 pm – Exhibitor Lunch
- 5:30 pm-7:30 pm – Hospitality Rooms
Thursday, August 27
- 7:30 am-8:30 am – Exhibitor Morning Refreshments
- 11:00 am-12:30 pm – Exhibitor Lunch and Vendor Drawing
- 12:30 – Exhibitor Tear Down
- 7:00 pm-10:00 pm – ISAC Casino Night Fundraiser
Vendor Drawing
Exhibitors who conduct a prize drawing in their booth can have their winner announced during the vendor drawing held during the exhibitor lunch buffet on August 27 around 12:00 pm. Prizes are to be picked up by winners at your booth. All attendees must be present to win. Limit one prize per booth.
- 10’ x 10’ booth space
- Booths 1-4 and 15-46 – 36″ tall two-sided dividers
- Booths 6-14 and 47-72 – 8′ draped back wall and 36″ tall side dividers
- Identification sign
- 8’ draped table, 2 chairs, and a wastebasket with liner
- A listing with company name and booth number in the conference app.
- List of conference attendees
- Security in exhibit area
- Carpeted exhibit hall
All shipments must be prepaid and should be shipped to arrive not later than one week prior to initial installation date.
Ship to:
ISAC Annual Conference
Booth Number ##
c/o Event Decorators of Iowa, Inc.
520 SE 4th Street
Des Moines, IA 50309
The exhibit hall will be locked during the following hours:
- 6:00 pm on Tuesday, August 25 to 7:00 am on Wednesday, August 26
- 3:00 pm on Wednesday, August 26 to 7:00 am on Thursday, August 27
Click here for directions to the Veterans Memorial Community Choice Credit Union Convention Center in Des Moines.
Hotel Accomodations
Click here for information on all contracted hotels. Hotel room blocks are available from 8:30 am on June 10 through 4:00 pm on July 23.
Hospitality Rooms
Click here for more information. To reserve a hospitality room contact Kelsey Sebern at ksebern@iowacounties.org after 8:00 am on Wednesday, June 10.
For further questions regarding exhibit booths, contact Jacy Ripperger at 515.244.7181 or jripperger@iowacounties.org.